Our Mission...
Giving Back One Move At A Time!
Giving Back One Move At A Time!
(804) 740-4653
(804) 687-3527 (Linda's Cell)

Our Mission...

To maintain the highest quality personal representation, offering a complete range of services and choices to meet the specific needs of each client; to earn trust, inspire confidence and deserve reliability in the multi-faceted, detail-oriented role of real estate professionals.

"Giving back one move at a time" does not just describe our personal commitment to our clients  - The Right Move takes it further, offering our clients the opportunity to direct up to 10% of qualifying commissions earned from their transactions to the organizations or charities of their choice; these gifts are made by The Right Move in the clients' names. 

Whether you wish to help an organization at the local level with a special project or fundraising - your church, school, library or food bank, for instance - or support a large charity, we want to work with you... giving back, one move at a time!   


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